Centre for Interspiritual Peace


Sacred Conversations is an interfaith/interspiritual dialogue and outreach group which started in Hobart over six years ago.

The group meets on the last Saturday of the month and is open to anyone who is interested in promoting the growth of spirit unity through the process of interfaith fellowship and dialogue: sacred speaking, sacred listening, and sacred silence. The group also engages in other spiritual activities, including prayer and worship. We hope that in time we will also be able to participate in community service outreach.

Julian McGarry – Women of Spirit

Date and time: Saturday 25th of January 2025, from 2pm to 4pm

Venue: The Baha’i Centre of Learning, 1 Tasman Hwy, Hobart

To all of you dear friends who can’t make it in person, here is the Zoom link:

Silent Music is a monthly contemplative meeting (2nd Tuesday) that focuses on intimate personal experience with Ultimate Source or Divine Mystery.

Tuesday 14th of January from 7.30pm to 9pm

here is the Zoom link:

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Create anything

Create anything

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